Not everything always goes according to plan. Sometimes you have to change your vision to see results.

This week we asked: What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned from a marketing mentor or consultant?

1. The importance of a marketing and business development plan – 52%

2. New ways about thinking about networking – 0%


After 15 years of working with both individual lawyers and firms there has never been one strategy that could work for all. The strategies are as varied as the individuals implementing them. For some, "thinking outside the box" is the route to follow, while others fare better when focusing on the basics. Taking into account

Make no mistake, choosing the right  marketing and business development coach can make or break your efforts.

This week we asked: What do you think is the greatest benefit of a marketing consultant?

1. Help with writing a plan – 0%

2. Keeping me on track – 0%

3. Bringing new ideas to the table

Finding a mentor is a great step in your marketing and business development journey, but some attorneys need more than just a daily email. For those looking to place a major focus on developing that area of their career, a marketing coach or consultant can be a great investment. A coach/consultant can step in and

Yes, professional help. And it’s not what you think. Having reached the halfway mark for 2010, look back and see what changes you’ve made, what actions you’ve taken and where it’s gotten you. Satisfied? I’m guessing many of you are not. As I always say… you can’t be everything to everyone. Sometimes you have to